Self Belief

Self Belief

Whilst at this time we cannot travel far out-doors we can certainly travel within. Your entelechy otherwise known as your inner self, your true purpose knows you better than anyone or anything and as the architect of your life it is up to you to ignite your flame of desire and create the life you know is waiting to be fulfilled.

What has happened is the inner connection for some people has become dimmed, caught up in other people’s agenda and expectations, to the point of being so disorientated that many have stopped or severed the connection with their own inner power.

In times of confusion and disarray the human touch our heart yearns to hear is these affirming words…"I love you and I’m here to help you."

When life confusion happens and routines are disrupted we can become disorientated and feel disconnected with who we really are. It can happen during isolation, desolation, separation, estrangement; it’s called life change, a time when many get stuck in a pattern of detrimental self-talk. The inner voice can be constantly talking, disparaging, discouraging, clouding over the splendid truth of who you truly are.

Coded in your entelechy, you are greatness, goodness, inspirational – however when unconstructive inner self-talk is dominant that endless chatter fails to hear the Soul whispering truths of your real self-appreciation, self-honesty and genius intelligence.

Unconstructive self-talk may begin with:

"I can’t -
It’s too difficult-
What I had planned I can’t do now -
I don’t have the finances or resources.
My dream will never become reality".

That destructive voice is just a set of opinions that come from a dysfunctional co-pilot that is constantly scaring and alarming you, suggesting that certain disabling may happen. Conversely, they rarely do – however your peace of mind and self-belief is disarmed.

The key to staying objective over the destabilising inner voice is to acknowledge it and stay objective from it.

A little story…through my darkest days of parenting and providing, my daughters would feel my heavy heartedness, my disappointment at what life had served to me. They would bring a flower from the garden and assist in keeping harmony in the home, participating in housework, jobs and meal preparation. They helped in my business and together we got through that dreadful horrid time. Much gets forgotten in the day to day living, but one thing holds resonance and that is the many times my daughters saved their meagre pocket money to buy me a Mango. It is not only king of the fruits it is my go-to soul food.

Through these present days of life change, what is your go-to that inspires your self-love, self-respect, self-belief?

Let’s get through this time together. I truly appreciated everyone who has written to me since my last newsletter. My heart was brimming with love and I felt truly loved and appreciated – underlying the messages of gratitude and acknowledgement were these energies to my heart… I love you and I’m here for you. Thank you dear friends for your love to me, your messages as I read them, were as sweet as mango fruit.

And to help each of you my readers. Remember, You are your joy and brilliance, you are not your inner voice dialogue … sometimes triggers remind you of patterns of behaviour, trauma, habit or addiction that you inherited from generations of the past.

In quietness and honesty ask your truthful self…

What I am feeling?
Is this true?
What happens when I believe this thought?
What would I be without this thought?
What would I be without this life pattern?

Until we change attachment to habits of behaviour, we will always recycle our experiences.

May all your choices be bright-light candles.

“Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” ― George Bernard Shaw

Sylvia Marina

Leader's Mentor. Speaker. Author. Educator.