What Matters Most

2025 March #841

A personal note from Sylvia

We are on the brink of another season. Nature has her way of expressing change, snowdrops, daffodils, and blossoms that announce the northern season of spring.

At my city of residence, Perth, Western Australia it is summer temperatures.

Nature here is not ready to change her leaves yet. The soil, roots of the trees, the beetles, worms, tiny animals that live beneath the surface of the earth still need shade from the searing sun. It’s been months since we received a soaking rain.

Some trees have died, wildfires happened, and miraculously regrowth happens too.

Life gives indications, expressions of life purpose.

You and I have known the experiences of life. We have witnessed life and death, time when life requests we let go, and when to hold on. We have done it all our lives: we learnt to walk and quite soon didn’t need to crawl anymore. We grew teeth and explored new tastes and textures, The girl became a woman, and the boy developed into manhood. Parents read the signs of when adult children are ready to be responsible, to leave their childhood nest and make their own way in life.

Life completes its purpose and new beginnings happen.

Life is constant change, every morning, as the gentle dew from heaven refreshes the earth, we too have an opportunity, to connect with “what matters most”, reaffirming our life purpose.

Each evening as the fading light of day beams across the landscape; gratitude for the day that passed and the option to review the day, and fine tune in readiness for tomorrow and another opportunity to live our “best life”.

A best life of love, of sharing, caring, acknowledging, allowing, and as the beauty of a butterfly that may never see its own beauty, your light and wisdom too will shine, and similar to the sunrise and again the sunset, your spirit energy will shine far and wide to vistas unknown, to the human mind.

Your love and messages inspire my heart.

Thank you to all who write to me, your acknowledgements, your sharing is a light to my path.

Until next time,

Sylvia 🌸

Living in the Light of Love

2025 February 840

A personal note from Sylvia 

This morning as the sun peeped over the dawn, the birds began their morning welcome. I felt an inner smile, deep gratitude for all the goodness that surrounds, living angels, gifts of nature, kindness, and freedom.

Just before the sunset I chose to walk by the river. There was a serenity, a feeling of peacefulness, belonging, love and loveliness. It wasn’t just in the atmosphere, it was in me.

In my previous note to you I wrote, In each experience of life, search for the gift. What can be learnt from this moment?  And at the end of each day, what did I learn from this day? Look for moments of connectedness, to people, new learning, and every day include the joy and feeling of contemplation and connectedness to nature.

I live in Perth, Western Australia, our summer temperatures are often extreme heat, and this year it is hot. This evening we had a reprieve. I walked and climbed to a vantage point breathing and listening, floating in a daydream of nothing in particular, but everything concerned with the quiet gentle place within – that place of self-love and connectedness.

My hope for you is that you can see you are worthy of good things, of genuine love, of deep connectedness, of happiness. Perhaps this means escaping your mind, your overthinking, so you can see everything you deserve. Once you feel (there is a difference between knowing and feeling), your worthiness, yourself as love and loveliness, you can live in that light every day.

Your past experience does not define your future. Open your heart a little, and then a little more, and like the dawn gently penetrates through the darkness of night, let lightness and loveliness nourish each day.

Every day I look for moments of love and delight. The bee and the flower, the texture and flavour of food, vistas of nature, and the intimacy of another breath reaching the nostrils.

So many expressions of love and connectedness.

In love and light,
Sylvia 🌸

🌸 Sylvia Marina. Grief and Trauma Recovery Practitioner, Educator, Mentor.  Course author of Creating the Life You Want, Transforming DNA Memories, Return To Love – connect to the sacred within. Facilitator training. 

Love Splendidly and Prosper

2024 December 839          

A personal note from Sylvia. 

For many this is a time of Christmas decorations and wrapping of gifts.

As we wrap up the year, I heartedly thank you for your love and support. 

Similar to the most valued Christmas gift, you will possibly never know what your messages means to me. Each time you write and add a little note as to what is happening in your life, it brings us closer.

Reflecting on the year of 2024 what is the key piece of advice / experience you will take into the future with you? What is the gift, the lesson that has the power to shape your 2025.

In each experience of life, search for the gift. What can be learnt from this moment and at the end of each day, what can I learn from this day? Look for moments of connectedness, to people, new learning, and every day include the joy and feeling of contemplation and connectedness to nature. 

My prayer for each of us, connectedness to continue as in, the hour before dawn, the changing light of day, natures gifts, abundance of richness…the night sky, and memories.

In our days of growing up we were encouraged to be followers rather than become our own Master. It is a joy to see within our self, certain aspects of our life have matured into Mastery. 

Through the connectedness of love, I never journey alone. I continue to hold a place for you, and with my mentors together we journey further into mastery.

Human connection is the feeling of belonging and shared understanding that comes from interacting with others. It's when people feel seen, heard, and valued, and can exchange positive energy with one another. Human connection can be built through empathy, communication, and shared experiences.

Imagine the experience of 2024 and the furthering into 2025 reflect your dream of who you aspire to be.  

Love splendidly and prosper as you step forward continuing to be all of YOU.

Love from my heart to yours.

Sylvia Marina 🌸

Principal of Heart Leaders Academy. An experienced Connector / Trauma Recovery Practitioner / Educator / Mentor, from birth Sylvia lived in foster care and when her first marriage collapsed, she began serious work to “find her truth’. 

The past thirty plus years she has worked with people from all walks of life and from all over the world, helping them to heal childhood, adult, and intergenerational trauma, and move in the direction of their life purpose, at peace with their self and others.

Sacred Pathways to Places of the Heart

Sacred Pathways to Places of the Heart

I am basking in the autumn sunshine at my residence in Perth, Western Australia. Home again from the beautiful island of Tenerife.

Tenerife is one of seven islands that make up the Canarian archipelago. The volcano, Mount Teide is still active, and it last erupted in 1909. While there - I had the profound experience of walking on her sacred pathways. It felt like layers of petticoats reaching from her summit to unknown lengths and depths of the Atlantic ocean.

"Wait there will be a time"

"Wait there will be a time"

“Wait, there will be a time” - That time is NOW!
I realised from a young age that my talents could not manifest in the situation of my childhood. I was impeded. Fortunately, my higher consciousness, possibly my grandmother energy, encouraged my restless heart to wait, whispered to me - 'wait - there will be a time.' More than twenty years later, my genius activated.

From Potential To Reality

From Potential To Reality

March has always been a special month for me. 

The beginning of autumn in the south and welcoming spring in the north.

March is my birthday month a time of completion and new beginnings.

For each of us every day is a new beginning. Since the moment of one’s birth, we are daily in new beginnings, and even though they are mostly so routine, it is our daily life.