Inner Radiance Connection

Inner happiness, freedom, joy and comfort are not privileges, they are our natural birthright.

If you ever find yourself constantly replaying something in your mind and dwelling on the injustice of it all, thinking about what you should have said or done, without taking any corresponding action, you’re likely making yourself feel more stressed. And you are also likely experiencing some of the negative effects of Excessive Thinking.

Studies show that Excessive Thinking can raise your Cortisol levels signifying a physical response to stress. Cortisol is an important hormone in the body, secreted by the adrenal glands and involved in the following functions and more:

  • Proper glucose metabolism

  • Regulation of blood pressure

  • Insulin release for blood sugar maintenance

  • Immune function

  • Inflammatory response

Small increases of Cortisol have positive effects:

  • A quick burst of energy for survival reasons

  • Heightened memory functions

  • A burst of increased immunity

  • Lower sensitivity to pain

  • Helps maintain homeostasis in the body

Higher and prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream (those associated with chronic stress) have been shown to have negative effects, such as:

  • Impaired cognitive performance

  • Neurological dysfunction

  • Blood sugar imbalance such as hyperglycemia

  • Elevated blood pressure

  • Suppressed thyroid function

  • Lowered immunity and inflammatory responses in the body, slow wound healing, and other health consequences

How do you stop excessive or unnecessary thinking once you find yourself in its holding pattern?

To calm your brain and stop excessive or unnecessary thinking is similar to clearing a muddy pool. Not by action or by stirring it up, but by stillness, by letting it be, and by letting it settle itself.

The most challenging part of your life is not your neighbourhood, bad weather or an uncertain future, it’s your mind. Within each of us is an amazing power to transform any challenge or difficulty into gifts beyond our imagination.

It is in quietness, when the two sides of the brain learn to function as one, then our experience of reality is different.

Important note: Understand, that by letting disturbing thoughts settle, you will be able to move on in life, however the underlying thought pattern remains unresolved and this negates your natural radiance.

Learn how to access the limitless part of you, the part where your head, heart and sacral energy is in unison. Stress melts away, your creative energy flows and you connect to your vibrant spiritual heart energy. When you are connected to your spiritual heart, you fully connect to your life purpose and passion. It is then you feel and know the deep sense of inner peace and connection.

You will truly know the light of love, the radiance of being present. Inner happiness, freedom, joy and comfort are not privileges, they are your natural birthright. Connected to your energetic, vibrant spiritual heart wisdom, gives you an intuitive advantage to your every future choice.

Clearing Process – email your request

Using TRANSFORMING DNA MEMORIES protocol, check the following ...

  • I am fully aligned with my purpose

  • I live in the present

  • I trust my capabilities

Connecting You To Your Wisdom. Aligning You With Your Purpose.

Sylvia Marina

Leader's Mentor. Speaker. Author. Educator.