From Comfort Zone To Courage Zone

In recent years, the term "comfort zone" has spread and many specialists in psychology, financial counseling, teachers and all kinds of professionals use it to refer to those activities in which we perform one hundred percent without the fear or anxiety that causes us to take risks, even though there are possible benefits behind it.

Having a comfort zone is good and necessary. However, never leaving it can be problematic for our personal development, and bring us limitation in our process of personal growth and learning.

Our comfort zone refers to everything we do without fear or insecurity. Examples are to accept only one type of work or develop projects that are not very demanding, and to refuse tasks or not assume responsibilities that require greater knowledge or skills, for fear of not knowing how to develop them.

There is also an emotional and social comfort zone, for example, maintaining a toxic, in other words abusive or indifferent relationship and not daring to be alone or to accept that this person is emotionally and spiritually crippling us, perhaps even physically hurting us.

This type of behaviour slows us down, causes us to be tentative about making self-promises that the future will be different, and does not allow us to have the courage in the present moment to stand-up, speak-up or create a shift. Ultimately it prevents us from developing a healthy and stable self. 
 It distances us from our objectives and can cause an aggressive, sad and unsupportive environment with others.

People stuck in this pattern wonder why so many of their friends vanish from their circle of friendships. They become isolated with just a few or often only one person at their side. This person too is a often a damaged broken soul and is secretly hoping that if you make a change, they will change with you. You become dependent on each other.

It’s time to break out and learn how to access your “courage intelligence”, and then you will find choice!

Stuck in the present situation “comfort zone” you barely exist – it’s time to be stand up and be a leader, be courage, be decisive, but how? Your best starting point - come and join us and discover the seven steps to getting the life and love you want.

Staying in the comfort zone is giving in to submissive behaviour, where you do not know how to say no, and you accept all kinds of unjustified claims in your personal relationships and in the workplace. You accept social mistreatment just so you can maintain a fixed income, or you do not put limits on other people’s cruelty for fear of confrontation.

If you feel that it is time to have a change, and make the most of your life, then you must give yourself permission to leave the comfort zone - dare with willingness and determination to be courageous.

Imagine the advantages and benefits that this change of attitude can bring you, where you will be able to undertake a new phase of personal growth ultimately bringing you closer to true happiness and closer to your goals and desires.

This is what it means to being true to yourself.