Your DNA is Not Your Destiny

Genetics determine our physical traits; this doesn’t mean your genes should dictate how healthy you will be and even how long you will live.

When your family genetics predispose you to certain health conditions, it is still only a risk factor, not a life sentence. 

Many were born with inherited risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol and blood sugar, or with genetic mutations that cause excessive bleeding or susceptibility to blood clots. Some of these mutations can result in conditions with alarming diagnoses and medical names.

As we reach this new era in medicine where access to our genomic profile is available, what do we do with all this information? Along with this pool of sometimes threatening data, comes the science of Epigenetics. 

Epigenetics shows us we can change the expression of our genes. 
In discovering the genetic pathway of risk factors, with our inborn genius and a conscious understanding of the underlying emotion that has kept those risk factors active, it is possible to divert negative energy to positive outcome.

Many were raised in a society to accept fate. Johann Kaspar Lavater (1741-1801) a theologian and physiognomist projected that every person had an individual genius. He said this was related metaphysically to his or her facial features and although physical traits dictate genetic behaviour patterns, in understanding those traits, every individual can activate their intellectual genius and choose.

When you recognise your learnt behaviour or genetic trait, remember… 
Your DNA is not your destiny.

Sylvia Marina