Woundedness, Relationships, Love

There is nothing more satisfying in a relationship that being with a partner who sees you and loves you for who you are. 

They understand that your sometimes hurtful behaviour is not because you are mean and unloving, but because you have been wounded in the past and the past still lives within you. As we learn to understand and accept our partner, we learn to understand and love our self even more deeply, this becomes ‘life mastery’. What hinders people in delving deeply into love and the mastery of love, and expressing deep understanding love, is the woundedness they carry.  

Until we conquer the fear of anger, fear of misunderstanding, fear of judgement, disillusionment, hypocrisy, and the fear of being deserted again, all the emotions that contribute to human suffering and sickness, remain active.

Emotionally and physically, humans protect themselves with a covering, and when someone says “you are pushing my buttons” it is not exactly true. What is true is, you are touching a wound, a trauma memory, and the result is reaction, not an “I love you” but a negative reaction because it hurts.

Until we learn, we continue to allow wounding behaviour intrude into our relationships and the same happens to the intimate self, and intimacy (not necessarily sex) in relationships. Forgiveness does not erase woundedness. Understanding, erases woundedness. Woundedness prevents open-heartedness, truthfulness, real lasting love. Until in this world people know real truthfulness, what chance do we have to create a world that can work for all its people. 

To be our best - to be real and honest, we need to heal our woundedness, overcome our differences, allow real lasting love by living in our truthfulness, being open to trust, allowing lasting love in our relationships, and to stop comparing and criticising our self, to give space and energy to learn what love truly is. Then and only then we begin to feel mastery, real life mastery, mastery of truthfulness, real open-heartedness and real lasting love. 


Speaker, Author, Educator, Mentor. Healing Intergenerational Trauma & Cultural Wounds

The Transforming DNA Memories Program addresses intergenerational trauma. Not all behaviours are learned, many are genetic ancestral behaviours that can be changed. In this program people  learn to stop the habit of anger, judgement and self-dislike. They learn to understand the emotions that activate illness, play a role in crippling, destroying or hindering the joy of their relationships. They finally find truth and a place of peace.