Timeless Truth

Your life is an expression of your mind
You are the creator of your own universe.

from the musical theme of TIME.

The night sky called me again and again. I gazed at the stars and planets, the milky way, the waxing moon peeping through the fluffy white clouds in a cheeky playful way.

A tear streaked down my face as I whispered: "thank you, you have always been there. Even those nights when the sky is clouded, you are there."

Tonight the sparse feathery white wisps didn’t hide the twinkling lights.

 Simultaneously I was plunged into two worlds, the world of science and the world of the creative.

Earlier, while we were engaged in a meet-up of Transforming DNA Memories graduates we broke with tradition, delving into patterns, the patterns that shape us, patterns that dictated our pathways, the manner of life, our behaviours. The behaviours we had adopted for survival which then became a pattern for life, a hinderance perhaps, a go-to survival mechanism and that after our work in Transforming DNA Memories we realise we don’t need anymore.

How to do differently when survival behaviour has been our way life?

Reaching an understanding about why certain behaviour gave power and that same behaviour brought self-disappointment.

In understanding our life patterns, we are faced with decisions.
 Seeing patterns that in the past we knew were emotionally and spiritually debilitating but we had fallen into a sense of hopelessness. Would we ever attain our highest potential?

Imagine the possibility, the inner joy when clarity happens.

And tonight, I couldn’t rest and yet my thoughts were at peace, I was 'at-onement', a blended moment of heaven on earth.

I asked the night sky to share her secrets of what she observed. 

And now I’m sharing because I wish you had been there.
 And through the sharing of life patterns of ability and capability, clarity happened.

Such clarity occurs when we move from our head-brain to our heart-brain.

In the heart-brain, heart-mind-energy, we unknowingly step through an invisible door, one that does not close behind us.

Living between two universes, the physical and the spiritual, for many may seem an impossible dream. It happens when there is a readiness, a call for greater self-responsibility, a time of inner contemplation and willingness to clear out all that isn’t pure so the heart mind can engage. Can this be the bible reference to 'the still small voice'?

If you truly want to change your world my friend
You must change.

With love in oneness


28th September 2022

This will forever be the highlight of my journey through Transforming DNA Memories. I learned so much more about myself in those 90 minutes. Its knowing your potential, making the decisions, having the discipline, taking on responsibility, acknowledging the fear and resistance to change and finally, growing through the experience. Blessings. K.H.

I love it when you share spiritual experiences -remembering past situations of clients and using that as a point to start our session. clarity was gained with insightfulness thanks to you aunty Sylvia, and everyone in our meet-up. 
Opening my mind to more. R.G.

Transforming DNA Memories meetup is open to all TDNAM graduates – pre-booking by email is necessary