Listen: To Become the Master of Your Life.

Today I had the pleasure of a visit to Sylvia’s home.

We were to do some work together on her website - me being the ‘webmaster!” and of course being with Sylvia the talk came around to the real Mastery - the Mastery of your life. This is Sylvia’s life work - helping you to see — the ‘Who’s really in charge of your life.?’ and to move into a state where the real you is in charge.

So this is the essential question? Who is in charge of your life right now?

In these tumultuous times it is so challenging to get past all of the noise and hear the quiet voice of our guides and our inner spirit.

The TV never ceases to blather on about disaster and pain. The radio does much the same and heaven forbid we believe much of what is fed to us in the newspaper. But even when we turn the ‘off switch’ to all of the electronics, these things are pervasive... they sneak in. Our smart phones target us with just what they think we want to see.. and the noise of their insistence on catching our attention is almost impossible to avoid. Recently it has all been Black Friday Sales.. mmm just what we need to distract us from all the rest of the bad news! A little retail therapy at a slightly lower price than normal! And all of this noise crowds out the space we need in our heads.

We wake up in the morning and stretch a little perhaps - some of us have the luxury of enough time to follow a morning routine - perhaps yoga, perhaps a meditation - or a half hour to write in our journal - but for some it is as simple as brushing our teeth, making coffee and heading out the door to work. Not much time to think about who is the master of our lives. Our schedule is all about the clock - getting the children to school, paying the bills, making food .. everything else, for many our inner self seems to be the less dominant factor in our lives.

Does that mean in order to hear our inner voice we have to retreat to the mountain top - or go and navel gaze in a cave? or perhaps a monastery or even at least a weekend retreat?

It seems not! - There is an old spiritual story about chopping wood and carrying water.. what does one do before enlightenment? Chopping wood and carrying water.. and after enlightenment? Chopping wood and carrying water.

So even as you jump out of bed - grab a coffee and fly out the door to your daily grind - you can see this too as an exercise in mastery.

Mastery - mastery of your life - mastery of the choices that you make as you go through your day. Choosing to listen to that which makes a difference to how you think and how you see your world. It is an art and an art can be learned. It is a life work - but not necessarily something that you have to abandon your current life to attain.

Consider this.. what are your most dominant thoughts through the day and the evening ? Who are the ‘influencers’ around you - your children, your family - your work colleagues. And as you are influenced by them - what influences are they subject to? What too are the unseen forces that are affecting us all - not only the obvious things but the more subtle cues - the changes in the atmosphere - the coming storm - the geomagnetic shifts.

Listen - be aware - tune in.. are the children around you behaving in a different way - they too are subject to the unseen forces in our world. Sylvia told me one of her students, a teacher of small children spoke with her last week. She said: “the children in my class are different.. something is happening - they are not behaving in their usual way.” At the same time Sylvia noticed her legs were paining.

And then they heard.. a magnitude 5.6 earthquake had hit Indonesia .. and following that the Solomon Islands and then even Leinster, Western Australia experienced a small tremor which collapsed one of the mines.

Were the children picking up on these subtle energy cues? Sylvia certainly knows that her body responds to major earth shifts prior to their actual occurrence. This has been clear to her since she was a very young child.

So listen - and it is a listening that is not of the ears - but a listening which is of our whole being. For the messages that are given to us all, are the hidden influences in our lives and these messages are powerful indicators to support our way toward becoming the master of our own lives. When we can ‘hear’ those whispers - when we create enough space in our being to allow these to enter in, then mastery can happen. But we must turn down the noise of the mental head banging intrusion of the world. The loud and incessant calls of advertising - the news - the hoardings - the racket .. and not only that but the complaining and fearful gossiping of others around us.

Take time - take time and listen with your whole being .. for the voices are there - however they may arise in you. Some of us may hear them as a voice in our mind - some feel as an ache in our leg (yes the body does talk) - some dream - for some it comes as a music, a melody to dance your life to. But the voice will be there if we give just enough space for a moment to let it come in.

Sylvia’s work - (called Masterclasses for a good reason!)- is all about discovering “Who is in charge of my life right now? Who is the master of my current choices?” Her work supports you to uncover the influences that you live your life by. Reveal the mind tracks that run on like mice in a wheel every waking moment - and dig deep into DNA patterns.

You can break free of these chains and uncover the way to become a Master of Your Own Life. Creating the Life You Want is coming online via zoom in February 2023.

It will pave the way to Mastery for you.

With love in oneness


(penned by Shazar - for Sylvia.)