The Power of Transformation and Love

Connecting to our deeper spiritual roots - our wisdom, the power of transformation and love.

After attending Self Healing in Theta and Delta level 1. Sandrine Seguin, Glasgow, Scotland wrote.

Going back or connecting, consciously or unconsciously to childhood traumas, illnesses, neglect etc is a way to start dealing with these traumas and then to allow changes to take place in ourselves and in our lives. But how do we do that?

In this Masterclass we were taught about brain waves and particularly the healing which can occur in the lower, slower brain waves: Theta and Delta.

Beta brain waves are fast, allowing for full consciousness in the world in our active life, with the full involvement of our senses. This is mainly the activity of the left side of the brain which develops when becoming adult.

There are also the High Beta brain waves which are even faster. When this High Beta state is constant, stress, anxiety, restlessness will set in and physically impact and manifest illnesses such as strokes, heart attacks.

When we move into Alpha brainwave patterns we are more tuned in to our inner consciousness, moments of day dreaming, zoning out, using creative energies, getting involved in art, crafts, gardening, DIY, and many other such activities where we lose sense of time.

Alpha is also experienced in times of relaxation and is predominately Right Brain activity.

In Theta we have a Whole Brain Activity: both sides of the brain work together. In this state we learn new concepts, and behavioural habits can change. In Theta we are connected to knowledge and purpose, to our heart's yearning and to the spiritual world.

Theta is also the first stage of sleep when we are dreaming.

When we move into Delta this is the state of deep sleep, and also a state of deep meditation which brings healing and transformation. In Delta we are able to access our inner knowledge and wisdom. Physically we repair ourselves, new growth, cellular changes and DNA repair can occur and at the very beginning of life, our DNA is programmed.

In Theta and Delta we are connecting to our deeper spiritual roots - our wisdom, power of transformation and love. Here healing can occur emotionally and physically. And we can find the keys to healing our childhood traumas, illnesses, losses.

In this Masterclass Sylvia takes us on a deep dive - with the accompanying wonderful meditations, we plunge fully into Theta and Delta. When we are 100% willing and determined to actualise change we experience the power of healing, transformation and love.

I found this Masterclass very practical. An understanding of brain waves is illuminating, and makes total sense.

Through my background of studying the work of Rudolph Steiner I understood that the brain waves, their qualities and properties fit very well with the development stages from childhood to adulthood on which Steiner based his education of the child. For parents and teachers - this knowledge of the brain waves would be of great value to assist them in understanding of the evolution of the child.

Sandrine Seguin

Printed with permission of Sandrine Seguin, Glasgow. Scotland. UK.
Touch for Health Kinesiology, Reiki Master, Transforming DNA Memories practitioner

A personal note from Sylvia

My heartfelt greetings to all in our newsletter community. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your many messages of love, I read each again and again as your connectedness, love and kindness buoy me with renewed strength.

I have been granted a special exemption to be with David each morning, time I respect and adore. In his strong moments I can take him for walks in the hospital gardens and occasions to the café for a refreshing coffee. I have the greatest respect for our medical team, their care, respect and communication is exceptional.

Stay close dear friends, you matter to us, you are our global family.

Continue to live well, love splendidly, and prosper.

Sylvia Marina
