The Song of the River, The Gift of Life

2023 December 827

A personal note from Sylvia

Consciously breathe…feel your breath in your nostrils, in your bronchioles and lungs and release…now, do it again…it’s the gift of life.

As we come to the close of our 2023 calendar I recall a year of friendship, love, grace, kindness, music, conversations, connecting to nature and remembering…the song of the river doesn’t end at her banks or at the delta… life is a continuum.

All my life I’ve thought a lot about love. 

Many of us In childhood experienced mixed and distorted messages that muddied the clear water of love.  

“I love you when…you tidy your room”- that’s conditional love. 

Statements like this often have a long term outcome.  The child grows into a people pleaser, and in their endeavour to be loved, this may lead to  acceptance of any behaviour from others (including relationships which are based on mental cruelty and physical violence).   

This conditional love is not love - Love is not 'more or  less.  Love is simple -  I LOVE YOU is what it is.

Time taught me, when we feel 'out of love' with those we know we love, it is inappropriate behaviour that has complicated the graceful flow of kindness.

An elegant word for love is grace. 

Grace to me is the most beautiful word in the English language.

Grace is holding love in our heart, it is a clarion call to self-refinement and kindness. 

Grace is a quality of mind, spirit/soul.

As we step into a new year, with new energy…consider the patterns of the past that were not graceful, kind or necessary. Remember we don’t fix ourself by breaking someone else.

My message is…step into the new year with the memories of love and refinement, grace and kindness, remembering once again, the song of the river doesn’t end at her banks neither does it end at the delta.

Continue to be your most beautiful self, love splendidly, and prosper as you step forward continuing to be all of YOU.

Blessings from my heart to yours..

Sylvia Marina

Principal of Heart Leaders Academy

Dream Time Knowing

2023 December 826

A personal note from Sylvia

Inspired by story: Our elders and ancestors gathered at the campfire, a place of hopes and dreams, gentle hearts and calloused hands, memories and emotions, embers and ashes.

Intertwined in thoughtfulness and conversation, differences and passions, hymns and songs, lessons and stories, wisdom values and viewpoints.

The energies we feel in our “dreamtime knowing” become a guiding light…as we walk in millennia old footsteps. Our daily steps and attitudes are a continuum of their journeys. Their stories echo in our lives.

This morning as I arose from my dreamtime meditation and the ancestors still held my being in their embrace, my thoughts mused on the words of Irish playwright and poet…

“Life is no "brief candle" for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I hold for a moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950


The future is defined “letting go and holding on and letting go of more”. As we prepare for the turning into the New Year, and our hearts gather with our families and friends for the holiday celebrations – amongst the good food – the gift giving – and the sharing of the love, it is time to check in and uncover the essence for our New Year Journey into 2024.

I invite you to join our final workshop of 2023 – come and discover the possibilities which are unfolding for 2024.


Register at https:/

From my heart to yours a huge thank you for your invitations to bring my work to you. I have much to do at home and in the home office, plus joyful sharing of online courses

occasionally at my residence plus some travel.

• IRELAND Transforming DNA Memories Facilitator Training–April

• TENERIFE speaker at the Knowlative Unwinding Trauma’s Conference-May

• NEW ZEALAND Creating The Life You Want & Transforming DNA Memories-July

There are places and people I would cherish seeing again and courses I’d love to bring as this carries great joy to my soul…it is what I am on the earth to do, and I will until! If you have been saying I want to work with Sylvia Marina, now is the time. If you feel drawn to become a trainer and share the work, write your interest to

REFINE YOUR SKILLS – Transforming DNA Memories and Return To Love class graduates - connect to your dreamtime memories, activate the inner dimensions of your genius – if that means to clear away all that stands in the way of you inner connection and personal growth now is the time to…refine, refine, refine. Email to attend.

Remember, sculpture Michelangelo 1475-1564 visioned the angel in the rock and chiselled away all that wasn’t the angel to reveal the image of David a skilled feat of artistry that millions of people admire and continue to be inspired.

Thank you for your emails and messages of love and support.

Until next time, continue being kind to yourself and each other.

And have a wonderful Holiday Season.

Sylvia Marina

Principal of Heart Leaders Academy

Entwined in Love

Entwined in Love

In the depths of Bali rainforests, it seemed that every memory that ever was came flooding into my conscious mind. A mix of numbness and joy, of touchable and untouchable, speak-able and unspeakable.

A close by, unseen gecko called, a frog croaked, and I the human…was filled with emotion as the wonderfulness of life spoke so loudly in the multi layered forest’s height and depth, colour and texture, movement and sound, sunshine and rain, rainbows and stars …the vibrant spirit of nature’s jungle. I breathed to experience another moment of ‘heaven on earth’.

Mystic Feelings of Depths Unknown

Mystic Feelings of Depths Unknown

As I chatted and lunched by the Swan River near Fremantle in Western Australia, the winter wind created ripples on the water causing a mystic feeling of depths unknown. It was an appropriate energy for our conversation - sharing some strange and deep experiences of life that may not have been revealed in a different setting.

…..I watched the river flow around the pylons of the Fremantle bridge and remembered…Grief - we build our life around it.



Although I haven’t answered, I love hearing from you. I have read every message, some two and three times, to fully drink in and embrace the love.

A huge thank you for respecting my personal space. It is not only in the alone moments that grief surrounds but also in the moments of love and compassion and memories, a song, a place, a thought…this period cannot be rushed.

Thank you..

Thank you..

A huge thank you for respecting my personal space these past six weeks since my bestie David died. A beautiful human, who daily lived grace, love and gratitude.

Say not in grief that he is no more…

But in gratitude that he was.

Wherever you are in the world, I include you in my prayers, I feel thoughts and uplifting energies and know the joy of being connected to all within our global community and family.