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Connecting to the Sacred Within
March 20th, 21st, 22nd & 23rd 9am - 6 pm. AUD 1200
Early Pay AUD 980 (use coupon: RTLearly1 - expires 20th February 2025)
Graduates review proof of previous attendance certificate required. Early pay AUD 540 two weeks in advance (use coupon: RTLGradMar expires 6th March) thereafter AUD 600 - coupon - RTLGrad
Includes workbook, homework, graduate meet-up’s, IKC certificate.
“In order for you to change the world around you for the better, you have to change yourself for the better”. ~ Sylvia Marina.
Instead of spending a lifetime making slow and steady progress on your self development path, take a far-reaching leap into a completely different experience of being your true authentic self.
Sylvia presents a step by step process that enables you to clearly see your inner sanctum purpose and evolve this into present reality.
RETURN TO LOVE is four-day program that gives you skills to recognise and release life-times of repetitive negative behaviour.
Free yourself from the bondage of what others want you to be
Stop manipulating others in an endeavour to get the life you want
End inner frustration, emotional turmoil and depression
You will –
Learn how to connect to the sacred within
Learn about love and healing, harmony, kindness, desire and belonging
Open the door to a life of belonging, love and profound spiritual awakening.
“I saw the angel in the marble and worked until I set him free.” Michelangelo
Set Yourself Free.
Attend both DNA memories and Return to Love - email for package discount.