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Transforming DNA Memories - Perth


In Person - BOOKINGS CLOSED check next event April 25 - 28 in person Perth. Western Australia.

Fee: AUD 1200

Early Pay AUD 980 use code: DNAEARLY1 expires Jan 10th.

Graduates review proof of previous attendance certificate required.

Graduates AUD 600 (use Graduates code - DNAGRAD)

Your DNA is not Your Destiny. Transforming DNA Memories is the nexus point between your memories and misunderstandings of the past and your intelligent healing processes of the future.

Many have spent years learning how to be ‘something’, a teacher, engineer, nurse… most spend very little time learning how to be your very own authentic self. Anyone on a healing journey is welcome to attend.

Make a commitment to work on your life and learn how to be your very own authentic self.If you are ready to transform every part of your life, reserve your place.

Workshop includes: Workbook, working protocol & IKC certificate.

Course Accreditation CE Points: 32IKC

International Kinesiology College AKA Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. ATMS Australian Traditional-Medicine Society Ltd.

Review previous attendee’s update, email for your 50% discount. Attend the full program and receive International Kinesiology College. Personal Development School, certificate.