Individual Mentoring - online with Sylvia Marina ND
a valuable addition to group learning in the heart leaders academy.
Life is a mind-expanding adventure, when you allow!
The environment in which we live can restrict our personal growth. Our self-perception and beliefs, family and social limitations can hold us back. And even as we feel we know it all the dimensions of our lives create boundaries that limit our world.
To support you to expand these restraints - keep your focus and grow into the person you have the capacity to be, you are invited to participate in individual confidential mentoring with Sylvia.
This work is invaluable to assist you to gain personal clarity and life understanding. It is an online face to face experience and can be done from the comfort of your home anywhere in the world.
Open to everyone, from beginner to experienced practitioner/teacher during the 2024 mentorship with Sylvia when you complete the requirements you can become an accredited course facilitator and practitioner.
You may fast forward by attending Heart Leaders Academy courses with any one of our accredited teachers/facilitators in person or online plus receive monthly mentoring and courses with principal of HLA Sylvia Marina. Mentoring with Sylvia incurs an annual mentoring fee which may be paid monthly.
What Happens in Mentoring Session?
During the initial consultation you and Sylvia will get to know each other and you will begin to understand the true value
of working with her.
She will ask carefully designed questions to delve into your deepest desires in order to create a focus for your sessions, and to create strategies to take you forward.
The work will identify and dissolve the ancient generations of trauma, secrets and misunderstanding, to connect you more fully with your inner potential, and be more effective within your self, your family, relationships, lifestyle and business.
Sylvia’s work is profound. Passionate about supporting and challenging people both personally and intellectually, she uses unique facilitation techniques and a wide range of experiential learning approaches to embed learning that produces a shift in beliefs and gently creates new behaviour and focus.
This transformational learning develops people with a focus on being a better person, parent, family, both socially and in business. In personal growth, spirituality, meditation, love, career, community…it is for people who want to self-actualise and prosper in all areas of their life to become the best possible human.
The individual mentoring program is a unique personal development opportunity and is for professional expansion and advancement. It is conducted in addition to the group learning in Sylvia’s Heart Leaders Academy.
Sylvia works around the world with those who are leaders in many fields, discovering secrets for meaningful living and a lifetime of mind-body-spirit connection, revealing the hidden dimensions and capacities of each human potential.
Individual mentoring includes:
Exploring and aligning life choices – creating the life you want, fulfilling your highest potential
Creating the Life You Want - course
Live a life of accomplishment and purpose you never knew was possible.
Sylvia works with individuals and small groups. email Sylvia here..
People from all walks of life join our mentorship, for many reasons such as: To release their own personal trauma, to identify and focus on their life purpose, to build and/or heal relationships. To learn how to work with family and friends or to become a practitioner or course facilitator.
“All my life I dreamed of impacting the world and changing lives one at a time. I am a life-long student of personal growth and development because I believe it has the power to change us individually, connect communities, be a catalyst to business, and transform people and countries around the world. My role in life is growing and equipping others to do remarkable things and lead significant and fulfilled lives. If it is your heart desire to impact the lives of others, I invite you to join our Mentorship program. ”
testimonials - CHANGING LIVES
Thank you for your amazing work. I lived in fear and I preferred not to do anything in order not to get condemned. Sylvia’s work is great discovery for my self-development. I feel lightness and joyful, it’s a big step to my new happy life!
Evgenia Ushakova. Moscow Russia
Sylvia holds you in a wise and generous metaphorical embrace which enables you to find your own way along your own path. I’m always immensely grateful for her kindness and support whenever I need it.
Helena Arguelles. UK
Thank you, Sylvia. The full mentoring program has been amazing, bringing clarity to my life’s purpose. Recognising my DNA code of service and the responsibility that it brings to myself, my soul and others. The Masterclasses giving me deeper understanding of loving myself and the importance of projecting that love through my life. Giving myself permission to “walk my talk” with confidence. The journaling has also allowed me to look deeper within, clearing space for the new me. Sylvia’s guidance gives you inner strength, her wisdom on many levels penetrate to your soul, and the grace that she has, changes everyone’s life that she touches. My gratitude to you, is always present with love.
Erica Dimock, Geraldton, Western Australia.
Thank you again for your generosity in sharing your loving healing energy.
The permission to be living my life silently, to not have to be "someone" in the world but to be me. That it is enough. This is what I need now as I am letting go of so many things to align with who I am in order to move forward in a more authentic and true way.
Lisbeth Ingeman Sorensen. Denmark
I was emotionally, spiritually, and financially broken. My family relationships were indifferent. Sylvia is kindness personified her life’s work is a privilege to be exposed to. I have followed her masterclass’s and sought her guidance on so many different levels, she is there for me and for every person who joins her mentorship. It changed my life and directed me to my entelechy, my true purpose. I’ve become a better person, partner, parent.
Dr A. Canada.
“Thank you my very wise and beautiful friend and mentor. There are no words to describe my gratitude for you, your graceful presence, nurturing strength, wisdom and guidance has helped me so much. Our sessions our priceless. Thank you for reminding me how to shine and helping me rise up💕
Denise Armenio New York, USA”