Thank you..

2023 January 29th Issue 818

A personal note from Sylvia

Hugs and warmest 2023 greetings to everyone in our newsletter community.

From my residential spot on the globe, this is our mid-summer. Here in Western Australia our summer is usually sizzling and although we have experienced days when brow and body was a tad hot and uncomfortable, mostly our summer to date is comfortable, the temperatures in the mid 30’s Celsius.

A huge thank you for respecting my personal space these past six weeks since my bestie David died. A beautiful human, who daily lived grace, love and gratitude.

Say not in grief that he is no more…

But in gratitude that he was.

Wherever you are in the world, I include you in my prayers, I feel thoughts and uplifting energies and know the joy of being connected to all within our global community and family.

Today I read again the words I wrote in my previous newsletter to you.

“It is togetherness that sustains us emotionally and spiritually, through the good times, through happy times, through personal ill health and sadness, and through times of deep enduring, we feel the strength of one another sustaining us.”

Sensitive in the passions of grief, I’m willing to be like the turtle and reach a little further…to reach beyond the touch of family and personal friends…into our online space.

I gently begin with a new scope Wednesday 01 February 2023 with In Presence.

Fifty minutes of discovery, to celebrate accomplishment, release places of stuck-ness and move from quandary to clarity. Embark on furthering your journey.

Please share with friends.

Rich blessings of love to you.

Sylvia Marina