Breaking the Grip of Past Loves

Why does a relationship that’s over, still hold us under a spell?

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Why does a relationship that’s over, still influence?

When the feminine energy opens to another, we open to engage, be present and experience...we open to inconceivable vulnerability.

It is our natural design to desire, influence, know presence, power and love. But why do so many of us still hurt? 
Everything we fear becomes reality, and our relationships fall apart.

Regardless of past choices, how much healing you have done, and whether or not you are currently in a relationship, you almost certainly find yourself navigating a host of issues ‘still carrying’ the residual impact of many past loves.

Past loves of:

- the nurturing breast, comforter, family structure

- promises, broken dreams, the marriage bed, first loves

When these are lacking or worse taken from us, we lose our sense of connection, we become emotionally bankrupt with no place to belong.
 We develop behavior patterns based on childhood or ancestral coping skills, find ourselves in fight or flight or using health-draining energy to bully for what we feel is our rightful place.

Learned attitude's become the go-to operandi.

As children we observe the results of our behavior, we adopt “charm” behavior to get our way, or we quickly learn tantrums gets us attention, we fall in love with attracting “attention seeking behavior” and repeat it over and over again until it becomes normal behavior.

Sadly our now “normal behavior” becomes a “thorn in the side” of all future adult relationships.

Break The Grip Of Past Loves

  • self-sabotage, over-dependence, proudness

  • neediness, independence, prude-ness, rightness

includes but not limited to:

  • past loves and lovers

  • a-holic, an over-spender, a hoarder of relationships and stuff

  • an extreme minimalist, a miser, a manipulator

  • collapse or over control when it seems impossible to get-your-own-way

Don’t wait for the right person, career and opportunity to come to you.
Become the better person for your future, now.

I believe that we possibly do not need to be healed - we just need to uncover ourselves – consequently the body contains the ability to heal itself. Sylvia Marina