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Hidden Dimensions and Influences that Impact Our Lives Masterclass - AUD97

Monday May 20th, 4.00 pm - 5.30 pm AWST time zone. Time zone converter here.

Many experience being accused of ‘blocking out’ or denial of certain negative influences. Influences that you may have no conscious recall or being involved in.

Sylvia Marina suggests many influences were imprinted into our DNA, genetic history. What if, those influences impacted our lives and led to a shut-down of emotionally insulted, injured or emotionally shocked, toxic organs or systems of the body and as if that part of us had been surgically removed and another system surrogated for the block-out this emotionally separating that organ, system or life-form. Adopting a brave-face people do their best to forge forward, only to fall into the pattern of repeat illness. Until we remove the mask that hide the multidimensional aspects of the hidden self, a part of you will be unfulfilled, dissatisfied and yearning.